
Bachelor of Science Molecular Science & Technology

The Bachelor’s programme MST is a joint degree of Leiden University and the TU Delft. The combination of chemistry from Leiden and chemical engineering from Delft results in a very broad programme. The programme is very unique in that you enjoy the benefits of two different specialties, you participate in ground-breaking research starting in your first year and you get to choose a specialisation within the field of chemistry of your liking!

General Information

Within the Bachelor’s programme, there are a few important people that you should know about:



Volkert van Steijn

+31 (0) 15 27 87194


The programme director of the Bachelor MST. As a programme director, Volkert is responsible for the organisation, content and quality of the programme and is responsible for making the policy plan for the future of the programme.

Michael Meijer

+31 (0) 15 27 88693 (Delft) / +31 (0) 71 5274523 (Leiden)


The programme coordinator of the Bachelor MST. Michael is responsible for an adequate organisation of the programme. More specifically, he is responsible for the programme’s communication toward students and he contributes to informing future students of MST about the contents of the programme.

Mariëlle Nijsten and Marjolijn Hinke-van Delft
see phone numbers on the website below

The study advisers of the Bachelor MST. The study advisers are responsible for correctly informing and guiding students with regard to the programme, their study progress and their way of studying. If you experience any problems during your studies, either personal or with regard to the programme, they are there to give advice or to connect you to the right people who can help you more properly. You can make an appointment with the study advisers via this website